Monday 30 December 2013

earn bitcoin by viewing ads.

first create your coinbase adress

follow this

if you have an adress your ready to earn coin.



collect your coin every hour.

Did you know that the exchange rate of 1BTC (Bitcoin) is almost $800 at this very moment? Yes you heard it right BITCOINS are consensus network that enables a new payment system and a completely digital money. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen. From a user perspective, Bitcoin is pretty much like cash for the Internet. Bitcoin can also be seen as the most prominent triple entry bookkeeping system in existence. To learn more about BITCOIN click here 

Beware: I just discover this site so You are not required to invest any capital in this Programs. Its up to you if you want to invest on their Online Business. The point and bottom line here is you will not invest any amount but the plan will surely boost your income and sales. You just need to Click ADS or refer or use your referral link.

Follow this Simple Steps to get started Earning BitCoins:
1.) Make a BitCoin account HERE

2.)After sign-up be sure to check your Bitcoin wallet "Your Account" you can find your own BitCoin Address like this one

3.) After you successfully SignUp for a BitCoin Wallet. You are now ready to register for a freebitcoin HERE

4.) While signing up be sure to use details in your BitCoin Wallet SignUp except your Password be sure to use same email and username. TimeZone is Singapore or any timezone applicable to you. Now Check you Email for confirmation. Be sure to Check your inbox or Spam mail to activate your bitcoin account.

5.) After Signing Up you are now ready to Earn BitCoins by.
don't forget to roll.
you can play every hour

enjoy to cellect your coin..:)

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